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5 Stages of a Pastor’s Ministry (목회의 5단계 기간들)

5 Stages of a Pastor’s Ministry
(목회의 5단계 기간들)

By Thom S. Rainer(톰 레이너)

Year 1: Honeymoon
(1년차: 신혼기)
Both pastor and church have a blank slate and they enter the relationship hoping and believing the best about each other. Perhaps the pastor was weary of his previous pastorate, and perhaps the church was happy to replace their former pastor. For a season, neither can do wrong in the other’s eyes. That season does not usually last long.

Years 2 and 3:
Conflicts and Challenges.
(2-3년차: 갈등과 도전)

No pastor is perfect. No church is perfect. Each party discovers the imperfections after a few months. Like a newlywed couple, they began to have their differences after a while. The spiritual health of both the pastor and the church will likely determine the severity of the conflicts and challenges.

Years 4 and 5. Crossroads
(4-5년차; 중요한 결정을 해야하는 시기
떠나느냐? 남느냐?)

This period is one of the most critical in the relationship. If the conflict was severe, the pastor will likely leave or be forced out. Indeed, these years, four and five, are the most common years when a pastor leaves a church. On the other hand, if the pastor and the church manage their relationship well, they can often look forward to some of the best years ahead.

Years 6 to 10: Fruit and Harvest.
(6년-10년: 열매와 추수의 단계)

My research is not complete, but it’s more than anecdotal. A church is likely to experience some of its best years, by almost any metrics, during this period of a pastor’s tenure. Indeed, in my interviews with both pastors and members, I have heard this theme repeated. Both parties have worked through the tough times. They now trust each other and love each other more deeply.

Years 11 and beyond:
Crossroads, Part 2.
(11년 이상: 2번째 중요한 결정의 갈림길)

During the first crossroads era, the pastor decides to stay or leave. Or the congregations may make the decision. During this relatively rare tenure beyond ten years, the pastor himself will go down one of two paths. He will be reinvigorated as a leader and ready to tackle new challenges and cast new visions. Or he will be resistant to the change around him, and then become complacent. I have seen both extremes, but I am still struggling to understand why pastors go down one path versus the other.

Pastoral tenure matters. It is far too short in many churches. I do think it is critical for us to understand tenure, because the health of the church is directly impacted by it. I will continue to study the issue and report to you as I have more pertinent information.

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