Grace and Peace be unto you in the name of our Risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In this season of Thanksgiving, we remember these words: Behold, I will bring to it health and healing, and I will heal them and reveal to them abundance of prosperity and security. (Jeremiah 33.6)
This season of Thanksgiving brings with it joy and thankfulness for family and friends. For some, it also holds sadness and pain from fond memories of loved ones who are no longer with us.
“Mohamed Dumbuya was overcome with emotion when the team from the Sierra Leone Conference arrived with gifts of food and words of consolation for the passing of his wife Mariatu Kamara, who recently died from Ebola. Kamara, 38, was a teacher at the United Methodist primary school in Makeni.” (Phileaus Jusu, Sierra Leone UMNS)
I invite you, in the midst of our joy and sadness, to remember our brothers and sisters who have been devastated by the Ebola epidemic. We have an opportunity to give generously to the Advance #982450 International Disaster Response as a part of our response in the midst of this health crisis. It is my hope that every congregation will provide an opportunity for its members to give to the Ebola Appeal.
It is now a historic fact that the Ebola crisis has affected over 13,000 people out of which almost 5,000 lives have been lost. Ebola cases are rising sharply according to a recent report from the United Methodist News Service. Beyond the statistics, this tragedy reflects the pain and suffering of fathers, mothers, children, and families who have lost loved ones. The report quoted Kamara’s husband saying, “The only way I am coping is by trying to accept that Mariatu is gone forever and that she will never come again. That is the reality of my situation but it is difficult to accept.”
The most destructive effects of this terrible Ebola epidemic are the fear, the stigma and the negative impact it has produced on West Africa. We may be confronted by the Ebola epidemic, stricken with human fear, but our victory comes from our faith in Jesus Christ.
It is therefore by faith that I call upon you to pray fervently for our brothers and sisters who are suffering the loss of loved ones. Let us pray for the sick, the dying, the caregivers and the medical researchers. Through our generosity we join our United Methodist churches in West Africa who are on the frontlines in caring for the caregivers, the sick and the bereaved. Your financial support helps UMCOR work with United Methodist Health boards and Global Medic in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Ivory Coast.
I am grateful for the support and participation of the New York Conference as you prayerfully respond to this Ebola Appeal. The gifts that you give will help to make a difference as we join other mission partners in responding to this human crisis that affects the whole world. May God’s love, joy and peace abide with you and support you on our spiritual journey together.
New York area resident
친애하는 동역자님들께
감사의 계절에, 부활하신 구주 예수 그리스도의 이름으로 은혜와 평안을 기원드리며, 예레미야 서 33:6에기록된, “보라 내가 이 성읍을 치료하며 고쳐 낫게하고 평안과 진실이 풍성함을 그들에게 나타낼 것이라…(개역개정 제4판본)”는 말씀을 묵상합니다.
이번 감사절기에, 어떤 이들은 기쁨과 풍성한 결실이있지만, 또 어떤 이들에게는 아직도 계속되는 슬픔과 이픔이 계속되고 있습니다.
시에라리온에서 모하메드씨는 감리교 학교 교사(The United Methodist primary school in Makeni.” (Phileaus Jusu, Sierra Leone UMNS)였던 아내,카마라(38)씨를 에볼라 감염으로 잃었는데, 감리교연회의 도움과 위로를 받고, 슬픔을 이겨내었습니다.
바라기는, 기쁨과 슬픔중에도, 에볼라 감염 및 구호기금을 위해, 특별헌금(Advance #982450)을 요청하니, 참여하시기 바랍니다.
감리교 뉴스에 의하면, 최근까지 에볼라 감염판정을 받은 환자수가 13,000명을 상회하며, 그중 이미5,000여명이 사망했다고 합니다. 그 리포트는 Kamara씨의 남편의 말을 인용하였는데, “아내는 영원히 가고 없다는 현실을 알지만, 받아들이기 힘들다”고 말했답니다. 우리는 그리스도안에서 믿음으로 서아프리카 지역을강타한 에볼라병을 퇴치해야 하겠으며, 모든 스티그마와 두려움을 이겨내야 하겠습니다. 믿음안에서 요청드리기는, 사랑하는 이들을 잃은 형제자매를 위해 뜨겁게 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
병자와 죽어가는 이들과 그들을 보살피는 이들과,의료진들을 위해서 기도해 주십시오.
여러분이 기쁜 마음으로 기도와 에볼라퇴치기금후원에 동참해 주심을 감사드립니다. 여러분의 구호헌금은 전세계 인류에게 재난극복을 위해 섬기는 선교단체들과 함께, 반드시 유익한 변화를 가져오리라 기대합니다. 하나님의 사랑과 기쁨과 평안이 함께 하시기를 기도합니다
뉴욕연회 주재감독 어니스트 라이트