롱아일랜드 연합감리교회는 영혼을 사랑하고 교회학교 사역에 열정을 품은 파트타
임(Part Time)교육전도사및 사역자를 찾습니다.
(Long Island Korean United Methodist Church, Located in suffork county, is
Seeking a Christ centered Youth Pastor, the ideal candidate would have
a calling serve in a youth ministry and to provide leaderships for
the English-speaking children youth.)
1) 1.5세, 2세사역에 소명이 있으신 분
(Passion and Vision for 2th generation ministry)
2) 영어가 불편하지 않으신 분(Native Speaker or Bilingual Korean Speaker
Fluency in English required)
3) 정규신학대학을 졸업하신 분 또는 재학중이신분
(M.Div or Enroll from an accredited seminary)
역할(Job Description)
주일 1번 학생부 예배인도 및 Activity
(Twice a week leading the Youth Group)
사례(Salary) Negotiable
제출서류(Application Requirements)
1) Resume
2) Statement of faith and vision for ministry
서류마감(Application Deadline)
8/30/2013(Aug 30, 2011)
서류제출 (Submit)
이메일 E-mail: enochjwhchang@gmail.com
우편메일: 486 Town Line Rd. Commack NY 11725
Application will not be returned
롱아일랜드 연합감리교회
Long Island Korean United Methodist Church