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Bishop letter:NY annual conference on Jun 7th

Dear Friends & Colleagues,

Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. I pray that this letter finds each of you well and blessed.

In just a few short weeks we will gather at Hofstra University for this year’s session of the Annual Conference. Our theme, “Pathways & Possibilities: The Journey of Disciple Making,” will kick off a year-long emphasis on creating possibilities for bringing vitality and strength to our congregations as well as offering hope and peace to the people who are struggling to find their way through this complicated world.

The Book of Discipline is very clear about the responsibility of clergy and lay members to attend the Annual Conference session: “It is the duty of every member and all provisional members and local pastors of the annual conference to attend its sessions, . . . Should any ordained minister in active service be absent from the session of the annual conference without a satisfactory reason for the absence, the matter shall be referred by the conference secretary to the Board of Ordained Ministry.” (¶602.8, 2016 United Methodist Book of Discipline)

What all of the above means is that I expect every duly elected lay person as well as every pastor to be in attendance at Annual Conference. As laity, it is your duty and privilege to make sure that each of our churches are represented at Annual Conference. As clergy, attendance at all of the sessions of the Annual Conference is a part of the covenant we make and share when we are ordained, commissioned, or licensed. If our Annual Conference is to be true to these covenants and responsibilities, we must be present. It is clear that the Discipline states that this is an expectation.

Yet, for me, it goes far beyond an obligation. While I expect lay members and pastors to be in attendance, I hope even more that everyone will want to be a part of this session. For me, Annual Conference is a venue where the connection of our church is realized. It is a place where we can engage in mutual learning, inspiration, worship, and conversation. It is a place where relationships are renewed and established. It is a place where we can celebrate everything that is good, right, and holy about being a part of the Church of Jesus Christ. While debating issues and voting on legislation is a part of this meeting, Annual Conference is primarily about building the body of Christ and empowering God’s church so that it can fulfill its mandate to make disciples that will change the world.

SO, I am writing today to remind you that on June 7-10 you are expected to be in attendance at our annual meeting at Hofstra University. More than that, I write to ask you to make it a priority to be there. Especially, I am writing to ask you to pray about our meeting and, perhaps, pray that you will not want to miss any of our sessions together.

This is my first Annual Conference with you. I am praying for you and for us that we can truly celebrate and work together to realize the potential that this special intersection of our lives has provided.

I look forward to meeting you and greeting you at Annual Conference 2017!

The Journey Continues, . . .

Peace & Joy,

Thomas J. Bickerton
Resident Bishop

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