Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Greetings to you in the Blessed Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior! The coming year of 2017 will mark the historic 500 year anniversary of the Religious Reformation led by Martin Luther. In order for us to commemorate such a historic path of our journey as the descendants of Protestants, the NYAC Korean Caucus and the Wesley Evangelical Crusade in USA present a wonderful opportunity for continuing education entitled Celebrating 500 Anniversary of the Religious Reformation under the auspices of the Korean Church Council in the Northeastern Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church. This continuing education is open to all Korean clergy members and their spouses in our New York Annual Conference and the North-Eastern Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church as follows:
* Dates: April 17 – April 22, 2017 (Monday – Saturday; 5 nights and 6 days)
종교개혁 500주년 기념
영국 요한 웨슬리 유적지 집중스터디 투어
미연합감리교 뉴욕연회 코커스와 미주웨슬리 부흥전도단이 공동으로 주관하며 동북부 한인연합감리교연합회가 후원하는 종교개혁 500주년 기념 ‘요한웨슬리 유적지 집중스터디 투어’가 2017년 4월17일(월)부터 22일(토)까지 열리게 됩니다. 귀한 도전과 배움의 기회가 될 이번 행사에 많은 관심과 기도, 참여를 바랍니다.