- by Patrick Fung(OMF Rodem Books)
- This booklet is a short reflection on the life and leadership of D E Hoste who succeeded Hudson Taylor as leader of China Inland Mission (now OMF International) and led this movement for over 30 years. “The title comes from the fact that Hoste was determined that his name and reputation would be subsumed under the desire to see Jesus get all the honour for everything.” (Quotes by Ajith Fernando.) Size 4.25 x 7 inches;
“He lived to be forgotten in order that Christ may be remembered.” That was how colleagues remembered Hoste. His hiddenness in Christ evidently outweighed the other virtues that people could have recalled.”
This is a health-giving and inspiring booklet because it is so easy for us to get drawn into adopting unbiblical attitudes to personal ambition and leadership without realising it.