As Newsday reported on Dec. 24, the Town of North Hempstead is investigating complaints about the proliferation of poorly-serviced clothing collection bins operated by for-profit companies posing as nonprofit charities. The LICC works the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to channel donations to a legitimate ministry that does a great job of emptying bins as often as needed.
Do you have room for a clothing collection bin at your congregation? Recycling clothes is good for planet, good for people who need inexpensive clothing, and generates much-needed revenue for the Society and the Council.
Congregations that provide space for collection bins can also gain access to the Society’s clothing voucher program and can refer people who need clothing to the SVDP stores in Garden City Park and Huntington Station. For more information about the SVDP/LICC’s collection box placement and the Society’s voucher program, call Vincent Strynkowski at 516-822-3132, ext. 111.
Please don’t bring clothing to our Hempstead or Riverhead offices, other than the coats, gloves, mittens, and scarves we are currently seeking, since we do not have the room to store or display other clothes. But Ist Congregational Church in Riverhead, a block from our offices, has a nice, new SVDP?LICC box in their parking lot, which is located behind the church (103 1st Street). We have more room for clothing at our Freeport emergency food center at 450 N. Main Street, and we have a collection bin for SVDP outside our Freeport locations where you can drop off items anytime 24/7/365.
As you can see from this photo, Parkway Community Church in Hicksville did not even have to give up a single parking space to have a bin.