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Message from Bishop Middleton Regarding the Earthquake in Nepal

Message from Bishop Middleton Regarding the Earthquake in Nepal


Dear NYAC Family,

Grace and peace to you in the name of the risen Christ!

In Nepal, the death toll has passed 5,000 with over 8,000 people reported to have suffered injuries from the earthquakes. As the continuing threats of aftershocks, injuries and destruction are known, surely we weep. I know you join with me in prayer for our sisters and brothers in that place.

We have received the following message from one of our missionaries in Nepal:

Saturday in Nepal we experienced a 45 second 7.8 magnitude earthquake with an epicenter half way between Pokhara and Kathmandu. I am safe and well in Pokhara at a gathering with other UMN missionaries. There has been minimal damage here but we continue to feel the aftershocks. All UMN staff have been accounted for and are well. UMN core response team is attempting to return to Kathmandu, but I will stay here until at least Monday and maybe longer. Road conditions are not good. I’ve been in touch with some friends in Kathmandu. Most slept outside last night. Some have experienced injury (a grandmother with a broken leg) and destruction of their homes. Panic and anxiety is being experienced by many in the city. There are older, taller and denser buildings there and thus more destruction. But I’m not sure of the full extent of the situation. We are also concerned for our friends in rural regions outside of the Kathmandu valley where there are more unmortared stone and brick building. Reports of damage and loss of life are coming in from our partners in Dhading, but poor roads are hampering initial connection. Thank you for the outpouring of concern for the people of Nepal and your prayers in this unfolding situation.

Prayer Requests:
Please pray Psalm 46 for the assurance of God’s continued presence and protection. There is still anxiety that the previous earthquake will trigger another quake on one of Nepal’s other 2 fault lines and that the continuing 5 aftershocks will further destabilize buildings.
Please pray for those who have lost loved ones and those who have lost their shelter either temporarily or permanently.
Please pray for those sleeping outside that the weather will hold stable and it won’t rain.
Please pray that the temporary outdoor living will not lead to a cholera outbreak.
Please pray that the water supply will be sufficient and uncontaminated. (I’ve heard reports of “rust colored” water.) Water shortages are always a problem in Kathmandu.
Please pray for our response team traveling to Kathmandu and for UMN staff as we implement our emergency response plan that we will be able to help.
Please pray for the teenage children of several missionary colleagues who are in Kathmandu and separated from the rest of their family here in Pokhara and for other families who are separated from loved ones.
Please pray for calm and release from fear as the aftershocks continue.

Your sister in service for Christ,
Katherine Parker, GBGM Missionary
Saturday, April 25, 2015

May we join with others in prayer for those who are suffering, for those who are responding and for our missionaries who will be caring for the people of Nepal. May God’s healing presence work mightily in that place and may there be an outpouring of assistance. At this time the area is not prepared to receive emergency response teams.

Contributions may be given to UMCOR International Disaster Response, Advance #982450. You may send funds to the New York Annual Conference, 20 Soundview Avenue, White Plains, NY, 10606 – payable to NYAC, with “Disaster Response” in the memo, or you may contribute through the General Board of Global Ministries’ website,  http://www.umcmission.org.

As you know, all donated funds will go to those in Nepal who are in need.

In Christ’s love,

Bishop Jane Allen Middleton

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