99 7 Distinguishing Habits of Highly Effective Pastors webmaster 2015.05.15 2377
98 Oldest Methodist congregation in the U.S.-Johns Street UMC webmaster 2015.05.13 2513
97 Urgent Prayer Request for Rev. Matthew Jun webmaster 2015.04.28 3147
96 Communication competency를 높이는 방법-RESPECT webmaster 2015.04.26 1840
95 말라리아 없는 세상 만들기 위해 애쓰는 사람들(Imagine No Malaria) webmaster 2015.04.25 2822
94 10 common reasons pastors quit too soon. webmaster 2015.04.19 2918
93 서폭카운티 아시안 어메리칸 문화유산축제 Suffolk County Asian American Heritage Celebration webmaster 2015.04.13 2849
92 장기목회의 비결(The secret of long term ministry) webmaster 2015.03.14 2718
91 District Prayer Walking Schedule webmaster 2015.03.12 2535
90 Annual LI Youth retreat camp-shelter Island webmaster 2015.03.12 2760
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