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        영어예배 English Ministry

부활의 증거들(The evidence of Jesus’ resurrection)

예수님의 부활을 도저히 믿지 않을 수 없는 증거들


Chip Ingram은, 캘리포니아 Santa Cruz Bible Church 담임 목사입니다.

그는 대학 시절 교수님으로부터 이런 질문을 들었다고 합니다.


“Chip, 나는 한 가지 물어보고 싶은 것이 있단다!

난 너 같이 머리 좋은 학생이

어떻게 예수의 부활과 천국을

문자 그대로 믿을 수 있는지 도무지 이해할 수 없어!”


당시 그는 교수님에게

충분하면서도 자신 있는 설명을 하지 못했다고 합니다.


그러던 그는 신학을 공부하고 목사가 되었고

그 교수님과 같은 모든 것을 이성적

또는 지적으로만 이해하려는 사람들을 생각하며

예수님의 부활이 역사적 사실이라는 것을

다음과 같이 설명하였습니다.


1. 예수님의 죽음은 논쟁의 여지가 없는 분명한 사실이었다.

The death of Jesus was undisputed!


예수님이 십자가 달려 죽으셨다는 것은

조금도 의심할 여지가 없지 않습니까!

로마 군인이 직접 창으로 허리를 찔러

물과 피 전체를 쏟으시며 죽지 않았습니까!


2. 예수님의 장사는 모든 사람들에게 공개 되었다.

The burial of Jesus was public.


예수님의 시체는 은밀하고 비밀스럽게 처리 되지 않고,

로마 군인의 허락을 받은 후 국회의원과 같은 공회원,

아리마대 요셉의 무덤에 공개적으로 장사 되지 않았습니까!



3. 예수님의 무덤은 안전하게 지켜졌다.

The grave of Jesus was secure.


예수님의 무덤은 만약의 경우를 대비하여

로마 군인들에 의하여 철저하게 감시 되고 있지 않았습니까!



하지만 군인들이 졸았을지도 모르지 않느냐 구요?

당시 로마 군인들은 전 세계를 제패한 용맹스런 싸움꾼이었고

근무 중 졸게 되면 사형에 처해지는 판인데

어떻게 모든 군인들이 동시에 졸 수 있다는 말입니까!


무덤 입구에 봉해진 큰 돌,

약 20명의 남자들이 힘을 써야 움직일 수 있는 그 돌이 굴려질 때까지

계속 잠을 잘 수 있었단 말입니까?

절대로 그럴 수 없죠!

졸았다 할지라도 돌이 굴러가는 소리에 분명히 깨어났을 것이고

예수의 시체를 훔쳐가는 제자들을 얼마든지 체포할 수 있었을 것입니다.


4. 예수님의 부활의 증거는 (더 이상 논쟁이 필요 없을 만큼) 너무나 확실하다.

The evidence for Jesus’ resurrection is convincing.


‘convincing’- 법정에서 원고측과 피고측,

검사와 변호사가 격렬하게 논쟁하다가도

아주 결정적인 물적 증거를 제시하면 모든 논쟁이 끝나게 되죠.

그 때 그 물증을 가리켜 ‘convincing’

아주 설득력 있고 너무나 확실한 것이라고 말합니다.


예수님의 부활도 너무나 명백하고 확실한 증거들을 갖고 있습니다.

추측이 아닙니다! 환상이나 착각도 아닙니다!

예수님 부활하신 후 12번씩이나 나타나셨습니다!

500명이 넘는 사람들이 직접 목격하였습니다!

그것도 하루 동안이 아니라 무려 40일간 말입니다!


5. 예수님의 부활의 메시지는 지금도 사람들의 삶을 변화시키고 있다.

The message of Jesus’ resurrection is life-changing.


예수님의 부활을 직접 목격했거나 굳게 믿는 사람들이

놀랍게 변화 되었다는 것입니다.

가장 대표적인 경우가 베드로입니다.

예수님께서 십자가에 달려 죽으시는 모습을 보고

실망하고, 절망하여 고기 잡는 어부가 되겠다며

갈릴리로 돌아갈 것을 결심했던 베드로가

십자가에 거꾸로 매달려 순교하기까지

예수님의 부활을 증거하는 것은 어떻게 설명할 수 있단 말입니까!


옛날만 그런 것이 아니죠!

지난 2천년 동안 그리고 오늘날에도 수 많은 사람들이

예수 그리스도의 부활을 믿고 변화 되고 있습니다!


죽음 이후에는 부활과 영생의 세계가 있다는

Good News를 전하기 위해

기쁜 마음으로 자신의 삶을 바치는 모습을

어떻게 설명할 수 있겠습니까!



How Firm a Foundation!

Chip Ingram


When I was in college, a professor asked me a question I will never forget. “Chip,” he said, “I can’t understand one thing. How can someone who seems to be as bright as you are really believe in a literal Jesus and the Bible and all this ‘born again’ stuff?”

He was basically asking me if I had thrown my brains in the trashcan to be a Christian. I realized then that I didn’t have solid intellectual answers for hard intellectual questions. And so I began a journey to discover feasible evidence to support my faith in Jesus and the Bible.

What I have learned over these 20-plus years is that there are great answers, but they all start with one central building block . . . one foundation . . . and that is the resurrection of Christ.


If you think I’m being too strong, listen to the apostle Paul. “If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith” (1 Cor. 15:14, NIV). If the literal resurrection of Jesus isn’t true, Christianity doesn’t hold water; so it’s vital to examine the evidence. Here are five reasons why I believe in the resurrection. I pray they encourage you in your faith this Easter season.


1. The death of Jesus was undisputed


Critics try to discredit the resurrection by saying that Jesus didn’t really die-that He was near death, but revived in the tomb. Consider the evidence. Jesus was flogged, beaten within an inch of His life, and crucified-one of the cruelest forms of torture and death ever devised. The Roman soldiers were so convinced that they didn’t even break His legs as they had the other prisoners. They gashed His side, and water and blood flowed out. His body was wrapped in 100 pounds of myrrh, spices, and linen. Jesus was unquestionably dead.


2. The burial of Jesus was public


One theory says that the disciples merely went to the wrong tomb. But the tomb belonged to Joseph of Arimathea, a member of the Sanhedrin, and it must have been prominent. If it were the wrong tomb, the Jewish leaders could easily have gone to the right tomb and produced the body, thereby halting the Christian movement before it began.


3. The grave of Jesus was secure


The story quickly surfaced that the disciples stole Jesus’ body while the guards were asleep. But these guards were the fighting machines of their day, and could have been put to death for sleeping on the job. It is highly unlikely that even one fell asleep. And don’t forget the stone. It would have taken about 20 men to roll away the stone that sealed the entrance of the tomb. It is absurd to think the disciples rolled away the stone and removed the body without waking the guards.


4. The evidence for Jesus’ resurrection is convincing


I’m using the term “convincing” in the legal sense-beyond a reasonable doubt. The preponderance of evidence points to the fact that Jesus was dead and that He rose from the dead. After His resurrection, Jesus appeared 12 different times to more than 500 witnesses-both followers and skeptics-over a period of 40 days.


5. The message of Jesus’ resurrection is life-changing


One of the most convincing evidences of the resurrection is the transformation of the disciples’ lives. Look at Peter. After Jesus’ death, he was too fearful to admit he even knew Him. But only weeks later, we see Peter passionately proclaiming Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the Living God. What happened? He met the resurrected Christ! In fact, 11 of the 12 disciples willingly gave their lives in service to this Jesus whom they saw alive from the dead. The disciples were in a position to know for certain whether Jesus rose from the dead or if the whole thing was a hoax. And their wholehearted devotion to the Lord shows clearly what they believed to be true.


The resurrected Lord has transformed my life and the lives of countless others for more than two thousand years. Because Jesus rose from the dead. Because the Scripture is true.

Used with permission.


* Chip Ingram is Senior Pastor of Santa Cruz Bible Church in Santa Cruz, California, and Teaching Pastor of Living on the Edge, a national radio ministry.




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