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‘Original'(Adam Grant)-독창적인 사색가의 놀라운 습관들

창의적인 사람들은 어떻게 훌륭한 아이디어를 생각해낼까요? 조직 심리학자 아담 그랜트는 “오리지널스(Originals)”에 대해 연구합니다: 오리지널스는 새로운 아이디어를 꿈꾸고 실제로 실현하고자 행동하는 사람들을 의미합니다. 이 강연에서는 오리지널스들이 실패를 받아들이는 방법을 포함해서 세 가지의 예상 밖의 습관에 대해 알려줍니다. 그랜트는 이렇게 말합니다. “가장 위대한 오리지널스는 가장 많이 실패해 본 사람입니다. 왜냐하면, 가장 많이 시도해 본 사람이기 때문입니다. 단 몇 개의 좋은 아이디어를 얻기 위해서는 수많은 나쁜 아이디어가 필요합니다.”

~Adam Grant’s Bio~
Adam Grant is Wharton’s highest-rated teacher. He has been recognized as one of the world’s 25 most influential management thinkers and the top 40 business professors under 40. He is the author of Give and Take, a New York Times bestseller named one of the best books of 2013 by Amazon, the Financial Times, and the Wall Street Journal. His speaking and consulting clients include Google, Disney Pixar, Johnson & Johnson, Goldman Sachs, the World Economic Forum, the U.N., and the U.S. Army and Navy. At Wharton, he was tenured in his twenties and has earned the Excellence in Teaching Award for every class he has taught. Adam was profiled in the New York Times magazine cover story, “Is giving the secret to getting ahead?” His research has been highlighted in Quiet by Susan Cain, David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell, Thrive by Arianna Huffington, and Drive by Dan Pink. Adam is a contributing writer for the New York Times, where his op-eds include “Raising a moral child” and “Madam CEO, Get Me a Coffee” with Sheryl Sandberg. He received his B.A. from Harvard, Phi Beta Kappa, and his Ph.D. in organizational psychology from the University of Michigan, finishing it in less than three years. He is a former junior Olympic springboard diver, record-setting advertising director, and magician. His new book, Originals, is about how individuals champion new ideas and leaders fight groupthink.

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