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영어예배 English Ministry
        영어예배 English Ministry

유스및 청년담당 전도사 청빙(Youth pastor wanted)

14 - 1롱아일랜드 연합감리교회는 영혼을 사랑하고 교회학교 사역에 열정을 품은 파트타임(Part Time)사역자를 찾습니다.

(Long Island Korean United Methodist Church, Located in suffork could nty, is
Seeking a Christ centered Youth Pastor, the ideal candidate would have a calling serve in a youth ministry and to provide leaderships for the English-speaking children youth.)

1) 1.5세, 2세,청년사역에 소명이 있으신 분
(Passion and Vision for 2th generation ministry)
2) 영어가 불편하지 않으신 분(Native Speaker or Bilingual Korean Speaker
Fluency in English required)
3) 정규신학대학을 졸업하신 분 또는 재학중이신분 (M.Div or Enroll from an accredited seminary)

역할(Job Description)
1) 주중 Activity and Bible Study 1번
2) 주일 학생부 예배인도

사례(Salary) Negotiable

제출서류(Application Requirements)
1) Resume
2) Statement of faith and vision for ministry

서류마감(Application Deadline)
2/28/2015(Feb 28, 2015)

서류제출 (Submit)
이메일 E-mail: likumc@hotmail.com

Application will not be returned
롱아일랜드 연합감리교회
Long Island Korean United Methodist Church

This entry was posted in 영어예배 English Ministry, 유스그룹 Youth Group, 청년부 College & Young Adult. Bookmark the permalink.
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롱아일랜드연합감리교회 Long Island Korean United Methodist Church
486 Town Line Rd., Commack, NY 11725 | Tel (631) 508-9135
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