230 2016 신년특새(New Year Early Special Morning Prayer) webmaster 2016.01.05 1498
229 Youth Group(EM) Speaker webmaster 2016.01.03 1637
228 2015 Mission Share(Apportionment) webmaster 2015.12.30 1473
227 New Long Island East District D.S. webmaster 2015.12.28 1570
226 신년감사예배(The old has gone, the new has come) webmaster 2015.12.23 1532
225 연말 양로원(후러싱, 롱아일랜드)방문 webmaster 2015.12.05 1672
224 감사와 기도부탁(Thanks and prayers request) webmaster 2015.11.23 1283
223 2016 Church Calendar webmaster 2015.11.23 1356
222 음악회(Concert)및 선교바자회(Bazzar)-연기 webmaster 2015.11.12 1323
221 감사BBQ-유학생, 독거노인초청 webmaster 2015.11.11 949
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